Kinad Inc. a 501-(c) (3) organization that relies on the generosity of individuals, foundations and corporations for financial contributions and sponsorships to sustain the organization. Your donation is tax deductible. Your support will help us continue to travel throughout our communities year round to share and preserve the history of African Americans.

Copyright Kinad, Inc all rights reserved.


Kinad Inc.

Building A Long Term Relationship Within The Community.

By Providing Other Services Throughout The Year:

1. Community Service hours and scholarships available for secondary high schools students. Community service hours also provide for college students and residents in our community. Parents & Students Counseling Advocates Program.

2. Instructional Curriculum on Africa, African Americans & African in the Diaspora.

3. Child Support Assistants for Fathers & Children.

4. After School Programs for K-12 graders.

5. Parks and Recreation Programs & Out Of Schools Programs.

6. Restoration of Driving License Privileges (D6 Clearance).

7.Tutoring Services For K-12th graders including (S.A.T) & (F.C.A.T) tutoring.

8. Job Referrals.

9. Entrepreneur Referral for Workshop Courses & Programs.

Please contact us for further detailed information.